Things to consider to keep your child's skin soft, smooth and hydrated

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Young infants and older babies frequently have some dry skin on their faces. Most of the time, this dry skin is innocuous and tends to go away on its own.

It's crucial to take proper care of your baby's skin. Their skin barrier hasn't fully matured yet due to their youth. They are therefore more prone than we are to dehydration, redness, and irritation. Parents need to include a decent lotion (like the Khilta mukhara baby cream) in their baby's skin care routine to help avoid dryness and irritation.


A specialist's advice, treatment, and ongoing surveillance may be required in some cases, but the majority are small, transient, and of little cause for alarm.


Why is baby lotion necessary?

Apply your child's lotion anytime their skin seems to be in need of it, as a general guideline. When removing them from a diaper or changing their clothes, pay particular attention to their skin. Apply a healthy, generous amount of lotion to any areas of skin that appear to be dry or flaky.


Additionally, after a bath, your baby usually needs a thick layer of lotion. It's best to replace that moisture as soon as possible after their wash because soaking in the bathtub will dehydrate their skin. To lock in the added hydration, use the cream whilst their body may still be wet or damp.

Last but not least, your child requires moisture following each diaper change. Since too much wetness in the diaper area might result in diaper rash, many parents overlook this step. However, after washing their bottoms, they should apply a nice lotion to restore their skin barrier, which will shield the skin from itching. Their diaper region will stay healthy and be protected from rashes if you use a cleanser, baby face cream organic, and diaper rash cream.

Which lotion is ideal for applying to a baby?

Natural lotions are typically preferable when picking one for your infant. We advise relying solely on mild moisturisers free of abrasive ingredients and fragrances. Ingredients in it should assist to seal in moisture and restore the skin's fragile barrier. For example, the Khilta mukhara baby cream is enhanced with Shea Butter, Kesar (Saffron), and Almond Oil, which deeply hydrates and nourishes the baby's skin while also balancing, brightening, and improving the texture of the skin. It is natural, cruelty free and derma safe with no parabens.

What should you avoid while picking a lotion for your baby?


As a preservative, parabens are found in many cosmetic and culinary items. In "wash off" goods like soap and shampoo, they are particularly prevalent. Baby and young children who are sensitive to parabens should avoid using skin care products that contain them because they are a common source of discomfort. It is also simple for the skin to absorb parabens. Khilta mukhara baby cream by baby forest does not have parabens.


A newborn that smells wonderful is loved by all. Because of this, fragrances are frequently used in newborn skincare products especially baby face cream organic. Allergy symptoms from fragrances might include rashes and breathing difficulties. Make sure to select soaps and moisturisers with labels devoid of the following words if your infant appears to be sensitive to fragrance-containing products:

  • “fragrance”
  • “perfume”
  • “parfum”
  • "essential oil mixture"
  • “aroma” 
  • artificial dyes

The good news is that the FDA strictly regulates colour additives and synthetic dyes, and these substances must receive FDA permission before being used in cosmetic products. This certification does not, however, cover all colours.

The following dyes don't require certification:

  • minerals
  • plants
  • animal sources

How to care for a baby's skin is among the major queries that many parents have about their offspring. A baby's lotion routine, though, is simpler than many realise! The three main strategies to keep your child's skin hydrated are to moisturise as frequently as necessary based on how dry their skin is, after bathing, and after diaper changes. Remember to add baby face cream organic into the routine. You may pretty much use as much lotion as you need as long as you pick a mild, fragrance-free lotion!