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The skin of newborns is soft and delicate. While providing a rela****ing e****perience for both mommy and baby, proper skin care and bathing can help maintain the health and te****ture of the baby’s skin.

Contrary to popular belief, most infants don’t require a bath every day. Most infants may only need it twice or thrice a week or every other day, because of all the diaper changes and post-feeding wiping of the mouth and nose. 

Bath can be given at any time of the day before a feeding bathing frequently works excellent. Many parents prefer to bathe their babies in the evening as bedtime rituals. This works well, especially if the bath time is relaxing and soothing for the baby. Initially, sponge baths are required to prevent infection. Bathing in a tub of water shouldn't be done until the baby’s umbilical cord falls off and a boy’s circumcision heals. Organic baby haircare and skincare products are the most recommended for the baby’s tender skin.  

Guide for sponge bath rituals for your infants:- 

A sponge bath is like a regular bath, except you don’t put your baby in the water. Tips to follow while giving a bath to your baby. 

  • Get supplies ready before you begin:- Have a basin of water, a damp washcloth rinsed in soap-free water, a dry towel, and anything else you might need within reach before you begin. 
  • Lay baby on a flat surface that is comfortable for both of you:- A changing table, bed, floor, or counter next to the sink will do. Pad hard surface with a blanket or fluffy towel. If your baby is on a surface above the floor, always use a safety strap or keep one hand on her to prevent falls. 
  • Start washing the face first:- use the dampened cloth to wash her face, being careful not to get water into her/his eyes or mouth. Then, dip it in the basin of water before washing the rest of their body and finally, the diaper area. 
  • Keep baby warm:- During the sponge bath, wrap your baby in a dry towel and uncover only the parts of their body you are actively washing. Pay special attention to creases under the arms, behind ears, around the neck and especially with a girl, in the genital area.  


Guide for regular bath rituals for your newborn:- 

You can attempt putting your baby in the water without any protection once the umbilical cord has healed. It's best to be gentle and quick with his first bath. Babies might protest a little at the beginning and this could lead to a sponge bath again for a few weeks but you can always attempt again whenever your baby feels ready. For organic baby haircare and skincare products, you should check out baby forest products all their products are organic and naturally made out of natural ingredients and ayurvedic formula. 

  • Use an infant tub or sink:- Some parents find it easiest to bathe a newborn in a bassinette, sink, or plastic tub lined with a clean towel. Yes, a sink! Sometimes the easiest is best; just be careful. Sinks are slippery and have all sorts of things sticking out like faucets and handles. 
  • Avoid using bath seats:- They can easily tip over, and a child can fall into the bath water and drown. 
  • Use touch supervision:- Have a towel and other bath supplies within reach so you can keep a hand on your baby all the time. Never leave a baby alone in the bat, even for an instant.
  • Check the water temperature:- fill the basin with 2 inches of water that feels warm to the inside of your wrist or elbow. If you’re filling the basin from the tap, turn the cold water on first to avoid scalding yourself or your child. 
  • Keep baby warm:_ once you’ve undressed the baby, place them in the water immediately so they don’t get chilled. Use one of your hands to support the head of the baby and another to guide her in. 
  • Use non-toxic soap or body wash:- Their skin is so sensitive and can catch allergies from anything so always pick non-toxic products made of natural ingredients. Wash baby’s hair 2-3 times a week using baby forest nikhare kesh baby shampoo, which is made of natural ingredients and ayurvedic formula. 
  • Clean gently:- use a soft cloth to wash your baby’s face and hair, being careful not to scrub or tug the skin. 
  • Get out and dry off:- when bath time is finished, promptly wrap a towel around your baby’s head and body to help her stay warm while they are still wet. 

Always maintain hygiene and have fun in the fun so your baby can enjoy it while bathing. Never leave your baby alone at the time of bathing and after a shower moisturize the baby's skin with the mid and gentle lotion. Pick products which are non-toxic and gentle on the baby’s tender skin.